New Program - CTEEN JR

Valley Chabad Hebrew for Middle Schoolers - CTEEN JR

Meetings take place every Tuesday
Beginning Tuesday, October 29 thru Tuesday, April 8
4:00-5:15 pm
First Day October 29
Calendar 2024-2025


Hebrew High - CTEEN JR

Hebrew High provides advanced involvement for Middle school students by challenging teenagers to incorporate Jewish thought and knowledge into their everyday life. 

Active Learning and Skills

We give teenagers a place to explore, grow, and participate through critical thinking, challenging activities, public speaking, mock debates and driving questions. These active learning skills help build their personal conviction and passion. 

Raise a Leader

While modern culture promotes conformity, Hebrew High encourages young teens to discover their own voice by sharing their opinions and challenging ideas.

A key to Success

Hebrew High provides the forum for students to think deeply about themselves and build a strong foundation of beliefs and values.

Linking Hearts

Once a month we will join the Linking Hearts program where in a fun and meaningful way we will spark joy in the lives of seniors. Chatting with them and inquiring after their health and wellbeing, we will incorporate activities that allow us to form fast friendships as well as letting them know that we care.

It's a great mixture of fun, friendship and community service.


Hebrew High is for middle School kids: Grades 7th and 8th


Classes will be taught by Hindy Drizin


Session 1 : $360
8 Sessions


October 29
November 5/12/ *19/26
December 3/10/ *17


Session 2: $360
13 Sessions 


January 7/ *14/21/28
February 4/ *11/25
March 4/ *11/18/25
April 1/ *8

* Linking Hearts